That’s me trying to film the show. As it was so sunny, the video screen looked like crap. My camera didn’t have any kind of steady shot & only x6 zoom. All recordings were crap haha
The biggest, the best & unfortunately the worst also 🙁 The biggest ever attendance at Monsters. Unfortunately, it got too dangerous. During Guns set the whole crowd towards the front moved. 2 people got crushed under foot & died. It’s the most frightened I’ve ever been at a gig. Was hard to keep stood up & not get trampled even towards the side… Maiden were fantastic.
After the tragedy in ’88 there were lessons learned about crowd safety. There was a full inquiry about the events. You can view this online here :
This resulted in “The guide to health, safety & welfare at pop concerts & similar events”. In the industry, it’s referred to as “The Purple Guide “. There used to be a copy of this online & it was free to view, but now, it seems you have to pay.
Brilliant day with great bands. Def Leppard was a very emotional affair as it was the “Return Of The Thunder God”. Scorpions had amazing sound quality, as did Ozzy. Andrew was fucked up BEFORE we even got in there ! A mini bus load of us went to this one. At the time, some of us were into rum & black, Andy just over did it ! He ended up falling asleep, laying on his side (recovery position almost lol) & vomitting…..there was dark coloured dribbles down his cheeks. When he actually came around, he was shaking. Either due to being cold or, more likely, maybe even alcohol poisoning ! Obviously, when he asked me to hold him, i told him to fuck off! lol Over the years, both he & the other lads, “progressed” to taking in boxes of wine ! Myself, i didn’t really induldge as i’d mostly be either driving us there or needed a clear head to record the sets 😉
Years later i managed to find full audio recordings of every band that played. Sounds really good quality 🙂
This was an (un) organised bus trip we went on. At the time,it was an uncommon thing for peeps to be travelling to other countries for gigs.There was only a couple of companies doing it. We had a hotel in Frankfurt the night before the gig. It was still a long drive to Karlsruhe though ! When we got to the stadium the next day,we weren’t early enough: still queued up outside whilst Accept were on.We saw every other band though. This was also the last but one gig that Dave lee roth played with Van Halen !! A good experience,but, the bus journey was a killer.
Myself & my sister went on a bus trip to this one. I’d have been 15 at the time. I found it all very exciting. Slade were brilliant, they threw hundreds of loo rolls out into the crowd & rocked. Blackfoot were a great southern boogie band. BOC were as boring as fuck. Whitesnake were pretty good. AC/DC were a disappointment. There were so many long gaps of silence between the songs & no talking to the crowd. Actually , we didn’t see all of AC/DCs set as my sister wanted to get to the bus in case they left without us lol P.S. Another memory i have from the day is that whilst walking around the festival, we bumped into Athula. He was a chap working at the same hospital as my sister. To think that some years later they got married & are still together is great 🙂