This was more about meeting old friends who used to go to the GA shows. I went with no expectations of how GA would be & i’m happy to say the performance was great. But firstly, there was a nice little meet & greet which Henning & Marc had arranged (Such a shame that last minute Marc couldn’t make it there). The guys brought us all beers & it was great seeing everyone & having nice little talks. A shame that Stude didn’t join though. Never did find out why 🙁 Of course, as ever, Sandra got swamped by people & i didn’t even realise she was there until she was leaving! So didn’t have much of a chance to talk, but at least i managed a quick photo 😉 As ever, i mentioned i’m still awaiting their return to the UK…
The Gig : From the off, Sandra seemed on fire as though she was trying to prove a point. Well, you certainly won me over! This show was up there with the energy levels & commitment of the “final” tour. The fact that Sandra crowd surfed is always an indicator that it’s a good show 😉 (I’m sure that’s still not a regular occurrence ?) Something a really do like is that it’s just the originals up there on stage again. I never did get it when they had the extra guitarist, sorry. I prefer pure GA 😉 There’s a part in the show where Sandra gets the guys in the crowd to take off their shirts. Of course, she “picked on” me, so i had to do it….that’s the first time in 35 years of going to gigs that i’ve done that….& probably the last 😉 It was such a party atmosphere, it had to be done. It was great to be amongst old friends on the front row. I really enjoyed the night & for sure wanna go see GA again some time….
It was great seeing so many old friends who i’d not seen for years : THAT was pretty damn special in itself.