One of the fondest memoriesĀ i have of my dad was seeing him up there watching the show….even though he didn’t have a ticket ! My dad had “the gift of the gab” & would soon befriend people. ( Years later, i’ve realised that i’m very similar to me dad. When i go to gigs, i’ll always end up talking to someone who i don’t know….& sometimes, they end up being friends for life š ) Over the course of taking us to shows at De Montfort, he got to know the door security. Well, for this show they let him in ! (Actually, he might have got in for others,but, i always remember him saying he enjoyed this show)
I was working security for that gig! I got to see lots of great bands not only for free but was paid to see them. I was told when I got there watch out for Bon Jovi they’re going to be big. To be honest after they played I thought ok but couldn’t see anything special. KISS were excellent though.
Nice one Tim ! I can remember that gig so well.