The one & only time i went to “see” a gig in this crappy place. I was disgusted that they’d even try to charge for “watching” bands in this place. Even now, it winds me up thinking about this. The place was tiny & this was my first visit. The stage was pretty much same level as those “watching” the gig. I couldn’t see a thing. So i went & sat on the end of the bar as it was slightly raised. Security told me to get down. I firmly, but fairly, said “I’ve paid to see the bands & i cannot from anywhere else. Show me where i can see the stage or i want my money back”. Sure enough, i got my money back & left. Something i remember Jase from A saying was to do with song lyrics…there was a low pipe or something above the stage & he said it’s “not a good idea”. Well, to myself, it was not a good idea to have gigs in this shit hole of a venue. I never went back again (Well, unless was up RC on a Rock Night getting drunk & this was one of the rooms playing the music)