Well this one came out of the blue! A while back, when i posted about my health issues, i got a very nice PM from Adam asking if i’d like to go to the Starset + Breaking Benjamin gig at Koko, London. I’d last seen Starset when they opened for In This Moment at beginning of 2015, so obviously jumped at the chance! I arranged to crash down at Robs place & also to meet my mate Andy Avery before going to the gig. I met Andy & Nina at the Ice Wharf in Camden & had a nice catch up. Also met Jim there. During our time there, i got a msg from Adam saying there was a problem with guest list, but he’d try sort it out. As doors were early, me & Jim got there just gone 5pm. After a while Adam came out to see me & after a bit of discussion with venue & production staff, he got us passes for the “Directors Box”! Pretty cool huh ? Eventually Kristina arrived & we were soon in the venue. As it was,we decided not to go in Directors box as the angle to the stage wasn’t as good as being a bit more central.
We had a great view of everything.(On 2nd balcony,slightly to one side) This was a VERY busy gig.
Starset rocked the house & got a very good audience reaction. I’m sure they will have picked up a number of new fans after tonights performance.

As ever, they finished their set with the excellent ” My Demons ”
It’s probably shameful of me, but, i don’t know much about Breaking Benjamin ! If i’m honest, i had heard them years back & thought they were a bit of a typical “sounding like Nirvana” type band. Yeah, i know… Anyhow,i knew it would be a special gig as it was their first European gig EVER. I’ve never heard an audience as loud as that before in Koko, so respect people.
Overall, the gig was pretty decent. Some great singalongs from the crowd as well.
A funny moment was during ” Breath ” , firstly when the crowd were shouting for Ben to take his top off & his reply was ” i want you all to follow me in instagram & secondly when Adam came over & had a brief chat with me (sorry for the shaky video part lol)
Afterwards we hung with Adam & the guys for a while (kinda reminded me of when saw them during the ITM shows) Before we left, i was given a couple of drumsticks.

Once again, my huge thanks to Adam for arranging all this. The night was more than special.