Next, as far as i’m concerned, it’s tonights headline act ; Royal Republic ! It’s gonna be a short set, of mainly new songs, but i know i’ll love it π They start with ” When i See You Dance With Another” & then pretty much straight into ” Walk”. Fantastic full energy stuff as always. DuringΒ ” Make Love Not WarΒ “, Adam has a laugh with someone in the crowd, who is now named “Bob”. He has to look into his eyes as he sings the lyrics with heartfelt emotion π
Before “Baby” we hear the story of how Jonas has had surgery on his knee. Respect to you for carrying on with the tour dude!
After “Kung Foo Lovin”, they finish with the old classic ” Full Steam Spacemachine”. Damn did that 30min set go quickly !
Next up it’s Theory Of a Deadman. I’ve seen them open for a couple of bands in the past. Must confess, i wonder if i’ll be able to stay for all their set π All i can say is they were good at what they do, but none of it is really groundbreaking stuff for me. Funniest thing during their set was some woman kept shouting at Tyler. Dunno if she was drunk or just in looove π Overall, a good night out & the 2 hour drive was worth it π