Tag: London
SKUNK ANANSIE , Brixton Academy, London, 17-8-19

I left Bostonia at 9.50 & arrived at Kings X 12.30. Jim was waiting so we could go to Hotel Rob. Dropped bags off, then went to Brixton.
Met up with Julia & Nadine. It had been prearranged that we could get in for soundcheck. Spoke to some security, then Pete (TM) came to door “Wasn’t expecting as many as this, but come in”.
I think they’d only just started soundcheck. Certainly an interesting SC, as they played one song about 5-6 times. It wasn’t one of their own songs. Soundcheck finishedΒ & we all needed food. We went round to “Turtle Bay”.
Sorry to hear that Audrey is going back to France, but needs must sometimes. Back in the venue, everyone went downstairs except for me & Audrey. Good chance to have a natter as I wasn’t interested in the support acts π
Lights went down & we all had great anticipation for the mighty Skunk Anansie ! Just hearing the intro made my hairs stick up ! My fave Skunk song is what they started with : “Charlie Big Potato”. Off to a fantastic start π They then played “Because of You” , “All in the Name of Pity ” (Great old school stuff), “I Can Dream” (Another absolute classic Skunk song). They then slowed it down a bit, with the highly emotional “You’ll Follow Me Down”. Ace gets his acoustic guitar & Cass a tambourine. Skin really shines with her pipes, still hitting the high notes. This is the first time tonight that she comes out into the crowd. Also, the crowd sings the chorus really well π
When they played “My Ugly Boy” a couple of years back, I must confess that I wasn’t really into it then. But here in the now, it fits perfectly. A good one to bounce along to. It’s fun !
Seems that skin wants to be in amongst the audience again ! As they start to play “Twisted (Everyday Hurts)” she quickly makes the motion of the crowd parting. She gets as far back as the mixing desk. Unfortunately, it was to tight an angle to film it, but I did catch her jump back in the crowd & then crowd surfed back to the stage
Later on we get a couple of the old classics & in-between those, there’s a new song which will “Rip your face off” !
They finish the main set with a couple of hard hitters; “Intellectualise My Blackness” & “Tear the Place Up”.
When they come back for the first encore, it’s something really special. That song they rehearsed multiple times during the sound check
“You Do Something to Me”. But not only that; the legend that is Paul Weller got to sing it with skin (or vice versa π ) Such a cool & meaning full song
Wow ! Just WOW ! Did I say WOW ? You bet you’re arse I did π Yes, they might have made a small amount of mistakes, but this was a UNIQUE performance. I’m pretty sure skin had tears in her eyes.
To finish the night of they play “What You Do for Love” & another “face ripper”, “The Skank Heads (Get Off Me)”.
But that can’t be all , can it ?
Yes, ther’s more ! The 2nd encore is started with a beatiful rendition of “Secretly”.
They then have a bit of fun as Ace plays a familiar riff. It’s “Highway to Hell” and they pretty much play it all.
What could be better after THAT song ? Of course it would be on oldy, but, goody “Little Baby Swastikkka”
What a fuckin fantastic day it’s been ! Beyond my wildest dreams ! But also there’s more to look forward to. Tomorrow we go up to Manchester.
Then the next day it’s Bristol. Let’s just see how I cope with 3 gigs in a row.
P.S. Huge thanks to Leigh.
PPS My PC is playing up & I can’t add photos π
TESLA, Wayward Sons, Flash Fires, Shepherds Bush Empire, London, 16-6-19
MARMOZETS , Jamie Lenman : O2 Forum, London, 19-10-18

The day before this gig i’d had a “fun” day…NOT! Thought my bloods were ok to proceed with next round of chemo, but they phoned & said they weren’t. Ended up waiting in Pilgrim for results & having the chemo. Once that was done, a chap took the canular out & said i could leave. What ?
Why is it that i always seem to have to think for others ? I tell him that usually when i leave i take a whole bunch of drugs with me ! “Oh, i’ll look into that”. The drugs are sorted & again i get the prefilled needles. Same again, i have to remind them to give me a sharps box! I’m so pissed off with everything at this time. Even unsure if i should go to the gig tomorrow.
After seeing Josh posting that they might play some new songs at this gig, i thought i shouldn’t miss it. Could be an interesting night….even though i didn’t feel quite right.
Once again, i took an early train to London. It was quite misty/murky for a while, then the sun burned it away. Again, at Grantham, my train was cancelled (Hull trains seem to have some serious problems!) As i’d already experienced this a couple of weeks ago, i knew what to expect lol. Not only that, i knew exactly which screen to check out that showed how busy the carriages were….don’t think many were aware of that π
Arriving in London, i headed straight to Hotel Rob. Today, Kristina was off work, so it was gonna be a nice relaxed day. Dropped bag off, had a catch up & then we went into the city. As per, visited FOPP. Kristina got the latest Amaranthe album & i got a bargain with the latest AVATAR only costing Β£5 ! (I’ve got to say, i enjoyed them when they opened for Halestorm. Pretty entertaining band). Next went to the other usual haunt, “The Montagu Pyke” & had some food. Arranged to meet Rob a bit later & then headed towards Camden.Once there, straight to the Ice Warf. Jim & Paul were already there π Had a natter & drinks then decided to walk to the Forum. It had been a while since walking that route, so seemed longer than it was . Got there in perfect time though.Β The support act “Jamie Lenman”, i didn’t enjoy.Β Β Just a bit boring & repetitive.Β Sat next to me was an old geezer. We had a good chat & we seemed to be on the same page. He was/is a sound engineer, so straight away he said the sound was bad π
Tonight’s Marmozets gig wasn’t quite as good as i was expecting. Something just didn’t seem quite right up there. (Maybe something to do with Joshys recent mental issues? Whatever, i hope he gets well soon & the band get back to being super tight again) Don’t get me wrong, they were still great, but i was hoping for at least a couple of new songs (After Joshy said they might play some new songs). The one new song they DID play was quite cool. A typical Marmozets song. I think it should have been on the last album π
I also think that after the previous day when i had all sorts of problems, i wasn’t quite in the right frame of mind. It happens sometimes.
Another thing was that i dropped my camera during the show. As the lighting wasn’t very good, i didn’t know if that drop had messed up the camera or not. I did film a couple of songs, but certainly not up to my usual standards.
Overall, i think the highlight of tonight was that they played “Cry”, which i don’t think they’ve done for quite some time.

Gotta say, it was a wise choice to make up the pull out bed earlier in the day, as once back at Hotel Rob, i was out like a light π
GARBAGE , Dream Wife, O2 Academy,Brixton , London 15-9-18
Β Something i should say is that Hotel Rob is great! First thing in the morning, the barrista (Rob!) always serves up a nice coffee for his guests!
But not only that, the chef (Rob) provides a nice breakfast if required. I don’t want you to think that i don’t appreciate it or take it for granted, so i’m saying it here : Thanks Rob for everything π
After having brekky, some of the guests go purchase some beers from the local shop. All different kinds of beers! They even got “Tramps beer” aka Special Brew (yuck!). I guess they need it as will be watching the footy later π Rob handed out some wafer snacks which had chocolate in the middle. Unfortunately, Greg didn’t realise they also included nuts so he had a bit of a scare as he’s allergic to nuts. Rob offered to take him to the hospital, but Greg said he’d just wait here to get over it.
Eventually we all set off to have a meal. Today we go to a Mexican restaurant in Soho, called “Wahaca”. This is a first for me. Gradually, pretty much everyone arrives.Β Β After the meal, we make our way to Brixton. Would you believe it, we again all met up in the Beehive ! As i had checked in, i’m pretty sure Neil saw that, so he also joined us all. Time was getting on, so myself & Neil went to the Academy. Unknown to me at the time,someone (Anne ?) had took a photo of me & then everyone in the group took other photos of them with said photo. I’ve seen this happen a few times & it can be quite funny.Β
Β Same as yesterday, the M&G peeps were in a queue to get back in. When we were going in, there was someone in front who seemed to be taking an age to get their tickets ! (Annoying) But thankfully, we still managed to get the front row of balcony. Unlike last night, the balcony had some lights on, so you could actually see where you were going down the steps! (After the darkness or an accident waiting to happen last night, i took a small torch with just in case π ) During “Dream Wife”, we couldn’t believe what someone was doing sat next to Neil : A guy had a video camera & was openly filming a song ! He then later filmed quite a bit of Garbage, again openly ! Surprised he got away with it. Sat to my right was an old chap. We got chatting & he told me he was a sound engineer. This was also his first time seeing Garbage live. After Dream Wife had finished, he said that their sound wasn’t very good. I guess that’s one of the traits when your in the business πΒ
Β Even though i’d not drank much, i was bustin for a pee ! Managed to nip out & back before Garbage started. Phew. My mate Neil didn’t quite time it as well, so i decided to record the first song “Afterglow”.
Tonight’s gig was pretty much the same as last night, so i wont go into depth reviewing it all. I’ll let the photos/video clips describe it πΒ

There was only one slight problem, which was during “Lick The Pavement” Shirley had monitor problems. She stopped the song, then they restarted it.

Again, like the previous night, they played the extra “No Horses”. For the last song of the night, Shirley gave the crowd a choice out of 2 songs. It was either “Starman” or “Cherry Lips”. The crowd made themselves heard to decide which one π
So it was another great night. The chap next to me said he’d enjoyed his first experience of seeing Garbage live. My mate Neil had a nice uncomplicated evening. I myself had a great night also. Out of the two nights, i reckon that the 1st one had the edge. Once again, we agreed to meet at The Beehive (This time Anne didn’t have Robs keys). Whilst waiting, i briefly saw Diletta. Been a while since we last saw each other.
Some people stayed for the after party, but i think most of us head back on tube pretty quickly.
MARMOZETS , ULU , London, 7-2-18

I took my train down to London around midday. Only took about an hour. Today, it felt like “The Gods Of Rock” were with me all the way ! Why ? Well because it seemed that every tube/bus i took down there, id get to whatever station & didn’t have to wait at all for any transport ; it was always there ! A very smooth journey to “Hotel Rob”. Of course, i’d pre-booked my stay πΒ
Kristina had took the day off work, so she was there to greet me once i arrived. We had a bit of a natter & i mentioned how my old friend Kevin (from USA) was in town & he wanted to meet us & go see Marmozets. But of course it was sold out π I ‘d happened to see someone was selling a couple of tickets on the event page which was on Facebook. I sent him the link, but he couldn’t work out how to use it. Kristina then got her laptop out to try see if the tix were still available. There was one left! So she contacted the lass to see about purchasing it. As she was doing that, i got a msg from Kevin saying he’d contacted her & would meet her at the venue to by the ticket. Job done !
After a while myself & Kristina went into the city to have some food & meet up with Kevin. As the venue was so close to Montague Pyke, we just had to go there π Once there, i sent a msg to Kevin & he said he’d be there soon. After about an hour waiting, i wondered if he’d got lost. I jokingly said to Kristina “He’s probably gone to the wrong place & ended up in Shepherds Bush or something !”.
When Kevin did arrive, he said “It took a bit longer that i thought it would, as i was coming from Shepherds Bush”. Kristina & myself just looked at each other & cracked up laughing! You couldn’t have made it up! Of course, Kevin was wondering what we were laughing about, so we explained π
After a catch up we made our way to the area where ULU venue is. Nearby, we met Rob at….you guessed it, a PUB π We all had a natter for a while before we made our way to ULU. Tonight Rob wasn’t seeing Marmozets as he chose to see Alien Ant Farm instead.
As is the norm nowadays, i’d prearranged to have a seat in the balcony. Having never been to this venue before, i didn’t know what to expect. I managed to get on the front row so had a great view of everything. There was something like plexiglass running along the front of the balcony. I wondered how my camera would cope trying to take photos etc. (Oh yes, talking about the balcony, Kristina had a stalls/standing ticket & i tried emailing the venue to see if she could change it for a balcony ticket. But they never replied π Even more stranger; the ticket Kevin had was supposedly a balcony ticket,yet security wouldn’t let him go up to the balcony! Go figure…But i think in the end, as they managed to get front row downstairs, they both enjoyed it more than they would in the balcony)
Tonight the opening band was “Queen Zee”. Never have liked them! So was wishing for Marmozets to get on stage π
Once again, the Marmozets played the same set. There was a lot of energy in that room. As much as i don’t like to say it, i thought the audience tonight were the loudest & best of the 4 shows i was seeing on this tour. (I’ve often thought that London audiences don’t rock as much as audiences in other parts of the UK ! Why? Well because they’re “spoilt”. I mean, if a band is gonna play a one off show, chances are it will be London & nowhere else! I suppose it’s down to which band is playing, but i think London audiences can be a bit blasΓ©)
Tonight i saw something which I’ve never seen before. As the band started playing “Run With The Rhythm” a few people towards the back of the main floor, sat down & started rowing! Then a bunch more did the same ! Dunno why they did it as it’s nothing to do with the song being played, but was both bizarre & hilarious to see ! (I’ll probably upload the clip when i get a chance to)
When the show had finished, i went downstairs to meet Kevin & Kristina. We didn’t hang around long. Outside we said our goodbyes as Kevin was taking a different tube than we were.Β
Once again, the tubes were always there as we got to them! When we got to Stratford, whilst walking down the stairs to get out, i got a tap on my shoulder & it was Rob! Talk about perfect timing lol
H.E.A.T. + Degreed + Black Diamonds , O2 Academy, Islington, London, 21-11-17

After a great gig/experience in Nottingham, i was really looking forward to this one. Originally, Eva was going to join me, but due to her work place being short staffed, she had to cancel (more than one gig). As i’d booked an earlier train than usual, i had to spend more time in London as there wouldn’t be anyone home at “Hotel Rob” till later in the afternoon. So i went to the usual places like FOPP etc to kill time. Eventually it was time to travel to Stratford to drop of my bag. Had a quick chat with Kristina & then i was off to Islington.
As is the norm nowadays, i’d pre-arranged getting a seat & hoped i’d be up in the balcony. Once i got to the Academy, everything went down hill π
“Why?” You ask. All down to one jumped up, power hungry, “I’m so important” security guy ! (From now on he will be called “Mr Dickhead”)
As per usual, i explained to him how i’d phoned to arranged seat early entry etc. Firstly, he told me to go join the queue. After a while, i got tired & sat down on the floor. Mr Dickhead was walking back n forth along the queue & when he got to me, he had a slight change of attitude ; ” Are you ok?”. My reply was “Well given the circumstances, i suppose it’s as good as it can be”. He then said something really weird “….you’re looking at me like i’m something strange ..” (or words to that effect). I think maybe his few brain cells got confused & he thoughtΒ iΒ was drunk or on drugs & he was hoping to get some brownie points! At this point, there were many things i would have liked to have said to him. But i didn’t because he was so up himself that i know if i “upset” him, he probably wouldn’t have let me in the venue. Then he came out with something else which i thought was very demeaning towards me…(& everyone nearby heard him say it) “….you realise this is a standing CONCERT you’re going to…”. Once again, there’s so much i could have said, but again i kept my mouth shut. ( Now I’m sure some of you, like myself, will be thinking “As id arranged a seat for the gig, surely this caring (not!) Mr Dickhead would be able to put 2 & 2 together & realise i might ALREADY need a seat outside in this queue “. But no he didn’t.)
Eventually the doors opened & someone walked me through to the disabled area. Looking towards the stage, it was on the right side.It was a very oblique angle of viewing. All it needed was for some tall guy standing at the barrier & there would be not hardly any viewing of the stage. I asked if i could go upstairs, but i couldn’t as they’d not opened it. Shame on you London for not selling enough tickets to open the balcony. Nottingham had already kicked your ass before a band even got on stage ! π So i had to make do with this rubbish position…. oh yeah, it had the added bonus of people walking by a lot to get backstage & also a (different) security guy in the area.
Anyone who checks out this webpage of mine will know i like to take a few photos & video clips of the show. Tonight it was a bit of a dilemma. Crappy angle to the stage & security stood near by. During “Degreed”, i took a couple of pics to see if there was any reaction from the security near me.
It wasn’t until about half way through H.E.A.T.s set, that i attempted any filming. I had to catch Eriks crowd surf to the bar π
What little i did film, was barely worth it as i had no vantage point to shoot from…& i’m also a short arse π
Can’t really say i enjoyed the night, for obvious reasons. It got to the point of wanting it to just finish !
After this shitty experience i very much doubt i’ll go to this venue again unless i’m sure the balcony is open. When i pay money to see a gig, i expect to be able to SEE the gig !! P.S. Would be an added bonus if Mr Dickhead wasn’t there also π
P.P.S. Even without all the fiasco, Nottingham had already kicked Londons asses π
The Marmozets, The Garage, London, 9-11-17
METALLICA ,Kvelertak, O2 arena, London, 24-10-17

Originally, i’d planned to go see Placebo @ Brixton & then a couple of days later see Marmozets also in London. It seemed pointless & not cost effective to go back n forth to Boston a couple of times, so i was gonna stay at Hotel Rob for 3 days. I was umming & arring about if i should go see Metallica between the 2 shows or not. I don’t really like the O2 Arena as it’s just too ‘kin big ! In the end, i decided that as Metallica were playing “in the round” (i.e. Middle of the floor) i’d give it a punt. There were not many tickets still available, but thought it might be ok as it’s in the round.
Myself & Kristina made our way to the O2. Rob was gonna join later when he’d finished work.As we came up out of the tube, the station had a couple of signs which were quite cool :

I thought to myself “This is just too good a position to not try filming a lot of the show”. So i had a good go at it πΒ
Things start with the old intro & they go straight into the first 2 songs off the latest album “Hardwired To Self Destruct”, namely “Hardwired” & “Atlas Arise”. After those, James says “Metallica feels very welcomed & loved by the London Metallica family ! So tonight, let’s take it to another level huh? We’re gonna play new songs, but now… old stuff !” They play the classic “Seek & Destroy”. There’s some great crowd interaction on the “whoa-o whoa-o whoa-o” parts. Damn, we’re only 3 songs in & it’s just an amazing night already (Btw, i think Hardwired is a great album !).
(Please note, whilst the audio from my camera is rather good, a friend synced up the soundboard audio to “Seek & Destroy”)
James then quietly teases us ” More old stuff?” Hell yeah we’ll have that ! So next up is the super heavy “Leper Messiah”
Staying with the classic “Master Of Puppets” album, we then get my fave song from that album,”Fade To Black”.
James mentions that the Sunday show set the highest attendance at the O2 ever & asks us “I hope everybody can hear everything all right? What about you way up there?” *queue huge cheers* “London ! Are you alive? You know if you wanna live forever, first you must die”! I then notice there’s what looks like 4 boxes on the stage. We then get a couple more from the “Hardwired” album “Now That We’re Dead” & “Confusion”. During “Now That..” all the guys get drumsticks & start playing the said boxes.(On closer inspection, they seem to have 4 drum pads on them) That’s certainly different.
Next we get what’s probably my 2nd fave Metallica song ; “For Whom The Bell Tolls”. It’s heavy as fuck. Bloody love it π
Next another new one “Halo On Fire”. That’s followed by Rob & Kirk having a bit of fun jamming.They do parts of “Phantom Of The Opera Jam” (Which got off to a false start as Kirk had only learnt/jammed it earlier that day) “Ace Of Spades” (much better π )
“Before we go any further…I’ve Got Something To Say”. A Cool version of “Last Caress” which goes into the early song “Creeping Death”. During “Creepin..” there were a couple of pissed up lads near me & they noticed i was filming the song. They got all gobby & totally out of time attempting to sing a long or maybe trying to ruin the sound of my recording? So there you go guys, your 10 seconds of fame, now fuck off ! (It’s a funny coincidence that after the song, James says how everyone wants to be famous nowadays π ) He then dedicates “Moth Into Flame” to Amy Winehouse. During this song, a whole load of drones came out & were hovering/circling above the band/stage. (After the gig, my mate Rob, who was on the other side of the arena, said one of them went haywire & crashed into the crowd ! )
After Moths, James seemed to talk to the crowd for quite a long time (Maybe there were technical problems? I dunno). One of the questions he asked was “How many people here tonight, is it your first Metallica experience?”. I was amazed at how many newbies lifted their hands. “It doesn’t mater what took you so long…it really doesn’t….you’re here now!” He followed that with “How many here have seen us one, twice, a hundred times?” *Loads oh raised hands* He also said “Technically, i haven’t really see us so i cant raise my hand”. Nice & humble self-deprecation π This is probably the longest time I’ve ever seen James talk to the crowd. He talks with someone who’s pregnant & then to a couple of kiddies. It’s quite funny hows he’s going on. It must have over 4 mins of chatter! Finally, he asks the question ” London, do you like your music heavy ?!? Metallica gives you heavy !” They then chug along with “Sad But True”.
Pretty much all the way through this, the boxes hanging from the lighting truss are going up & down. Oops! just realised i forgot to mention those earlier ! Basically the boxes sometimes have images projected onto them & they also have lights on them. It’s a cool idea & i think it works really well. Now where was i ? Oh yeah, thats it, they finish the song with James being the last one on stage making his guitar scream…
Soon it’s encore time. There were a couple of small guitar mess ups as “One” started up, but it still was good. They went straight into “Master Of Puppets” after that. I Love the classic old Metallica π (It’s hard to believe that when i saw them on the Puppets tour at Sheffield city hall, back in ’86, there were not many people there)
Next, we’re in for a real treat : the live debut of “Spit Out The Bone”
It’s great that they’re changing up the setlists at different venues. I wish more bands would do this.
They all leave the stage for a short time. Kirk is the first one back & he starts the intro to “Nothing Else Matters”. James then comes up & joins in with the harmony guitars. Cracking stuff. Once it ends, it then meanders into the last song of the night “Enter Sandman”. Fuckin brilliant. Metallica at the top of their game.Β Β
Even though i’m not a fan of huge venues,tonight, somehow it didn’t feel as big as it actually was. I loved every aspect of the show. I’d probably even say it was in my top 3 gigs I’ve seen this year. I think something that really helped was that they were playing in the round. In theory, wherever you were sat, you’d get a good view. After it all finished, i met up with Rob & Kristina for the journey back to “Hotel Rob”. The following day i decided to come back home to Boston (seeing as the other gig i was meant to be seeing had got cancelled, there was no point in staying down London another day/night)
Seether, Sons Of Texas, LTNT, Forum, Kentish Town, London, 15-10-17

When i ordered my ticket for the show, i requested access to the disabled area downstairs. The complimentary ticket would be for Rob. Anyway, i got an email saying there were more requests for wheechair spaces downstairs & would i change to balcony seating to accomodate those peoople.Of course, I agreed, no problem.
Had a smooth journey down to London. Headed straight to Hotel Rob. When i arrived, he was just preparing some pasta. As i’d not had anything to eat, i took him up on the offer of pasta & mushrooms π
I’d previously asked Rob if he’d got a “Radioactive” sampler CD that i recently found. Included on it was a track listed as Shirley Manson, which was actually Angelfish. There was also a track by “Duke” (no relation to Garbage lol) & most bizarrely a track by Traci Lords ! Don’t think her music career was as suck-sess-ful as her previous one π As Rob collects all stuff related to Garbage, i gave him the CD.
Tonight, for a change, Kristina was also joining us for the gig. We got to venue a matter of minutes before doors would open (tubes seemed slow today).Went to box office to get comp ticket & change my downstairs for balcony ticket….then the chap said we could go downstairs! As Kristina had bought a balcony ticket, we opted for balcony.
Strangest thing i’ve seen happened next : they let the O2 priority people in first. Usually it’s the disabled peeps who go in first. It didn’t matter though as we were quickly in & got seats on front row of balcony.I like the balcony at the Forum.
I’d not heard anything by the support acts.First up were “Sons Of Texas”. Never heard of them before, but they put on a good show.The crowd seemed to like them. Wish i’d filmed a clip actually.
Next up was “LTNT”. They were pretty awful ! Also, blokes wearing nightdresses is NOT a new thing. it was done back in the ’80s. I think it would have been better if they were the fist act & Sons Of Texas had the middle slot. Whatever…
After struggling to get through LTNT, it seemed ages before Seether came on stage !

Seether opened with “Stoke the Fire”, which is the first song,from their latest album “Poison The Parish”. I’ve not got the latest album, so anything they play off that tonight, will all be new to me. The next song was a real oldie, dating back to 2004. It was “Gasoline” which was on the “Disclaimer 2” album. I quickly noticed that the lighting was pretty poor tonight. Once again, the band were back lit & there were no follow spots. Seems this is happening more & more nowadays π
As with the last time i saw Seether, there’s very little audience interaction between Saun Morgan & the crowd. I suppose he prefers to put his head down & get on with things. But that’s not to say the audience weren’t getting into it, they most certainly were. There were many times i looked downat the audience & they were moshing away & also some great sing a longs.
Tonights show was a pretty balanced affair of old & new songs. From the album “Isolate & Medicate” we got “Words as Weapons”, “My Disaster” & “Nobody Praying for Me”
Stand out moments for me were mostly the older classics. Namely, “Country Song”, “Broken”, “Fake It” & “Remedy”Β
All in all, it was a decent night out. You know what you’re gonna get with Seether, It’s always a good time with great songs. It’s real. Love it.