A rollercoaster of an evening ! Delayed leaving, crazy traffic, forgetting to scan in at the car park, typically a “40minute” delay on food (which in fact was nothing like that), more “fun” in the pub (not! lol), a gig which started great, had one crap band & finished with a great set from Cancer Bats. Once home, the night was very close to finishing really bad as almost had a head on crash at a petrol station of all places ! Live n learn…
Well this was a strange old night ! It started pretty rubbish due to the friends i was picking up were not ready. Those 20 minutes made all the difference to how the evening would go. ( Nowadays, i’ve got the timing perfect for Nottingham, usually arrive about 5.10pm so miss the traffic & have time to grab food if wanted before the gig). Roads were busy, we hit the rush hour traffic in Nottingham & ended up over 30 minutes later parking up. So tonight was gonna be a bit of a rush….when it really shouldn’t have been.
As luck would have it, when i got into the venue it wasn’t over busy. So i *just* managed to get front row of the balcony. First band up were Incite, a well heavy band from Phoenix AZ, USA. Whilst there wasn’t a big crowd for them, the ones who were there were really getting into them. I really enjoyed their set. They even had Liam from Cancer Bats join them for one song 😉
Next up were “Lord Dying”. They were excellent. A bit more “instrumental” than Incite. Unfortunately, i didn’t get any video of them as their set seemed to be cut short (They said there were 2 more songs & after the first they said it was over 🙁 )
The (now) local band , Palm Reader were the weakest act of the night for me.
As ever, Cancer Bats kicked some serious ass. It was one hell of a show in a packed out venue with loads of moshing down there.
I always love Cancer Bats version of “Sabotage”
My night almost ended in tragedy once i got home ! I always go to the petrol station once home so i’m tanked up ready for next journey etc. Tonight i had the misfortune of almost having a little twat driving the WRONG WAY around a roundabout & almost hitting me head on. It was only due to my quick reactions & composure that it was avoided. Yes, it did really shake me up when i thought of what could have happened. I was later annoyed with myself as i didn’t go after the little kid in his silver Corsa, but it was too late. I did however inform police of the incident, so if they wanted to follow it up, it would be easy as there would be CCTV at both the petrol station & Tescos. I’ve done my part…