Tag: Nottingham
CLUTCH, Rock City, Nottingham, 20-12-19
You know what you’re gonna get at a CLUTCH gig ! Here’s a sample of 2cam mix π
Thanks to my friend “Painkiller” π
Here’s part of what I filmed
THE WILDHEARTS, Rock City, Nottingham, 6-12-19
THE WONDER STUFF, Rock City, Nottingham , 27-11-19
HALESTORM, Motorpoint arena, Nottingham , 25-11-19
For this one, there were 3 of us going. So either Andy T. or Andy G. would be driving there n back. Unfortunately, when we all went to curry club, Mr T said he’d got a course that day in Sleaford. So I left it to my mates how we were gonna get there. In the end, Andy G picked me up. Whilst Andy T took the train from Sleaford. When we were driving to Nottingham, we were talking about all sorts of things, including my sister. Upon arrival in Nottingham, we walked to the arena. I had to be there early (4.30) as was doing the M&G. It’s a LOT more expensive than it used to be, but I just had to do it. (Thinking ahead, it might be the last time I’d have the opportunity to do so). Andy G knew what time Mr T would be arriving, so he went off to meet him. Soon enough, we were all grouped up & about to go have the M&G. I said to a security chap that I couldn’t stand for very long, so he promptly went & got me a seat (Nice one mate). So I used that in the queue. There were a couple of people who arrived late, so I let them go in front of me. That would mean I’d be the last one doing the M&G. When it was my turn, I went though & they remembered me ! Asked how I was doing (heath wise) had a brief chat, then photos were took. I did have a request for them tonight ” I know it’s a cover, but, could you play “Hell Is For Children” ?? Joe said he couldn’t remember how to play it (they haven’t played it much live) whilst Arejay seemed up for it ! But in the end, they didn’t play it π However, during one of the last songs of the night, Lzzy partially changed the lyrics & sung “Hell if For Children”. Yay.
First band tonight was “New Years Day”. I think I’veΒ seen them before, but they haven’t improved ! After there set, the Andys got in. Hmm, thinking about it, can’t remember if the saw any of “In This Moment”. No, scratch that, they saw a few songs cos I told them how Maria mimes a lot π So it’s not long ’til that act that we’ve all come for ; HALESTORM !Β As always, they put on a great show. Lzzy mentioned that they’d played here before in this venue during the “Taste Of Chaos” tour in 2010. I was there. The other acts were ; Buckcherry, Papa Roach & Disturbed. I left before Disturbed came on π
So back to tonight. They played a pretty balanced set, covering some old & some new songs. The most unexpected was a cover ofΒ “Adele” called “Someone Like You” Hmmm.
The full set list was ; Freak Like Me , Love Bites (So Do I) ,Apocalyptic , Vicious ,
I Get Off , Familiar Taste of Poison , Amen (includes a video).Β Bass / Drum Solo
Black Vultures , Uncomfortable ,I Am the Fire , Chemicals Do Not Disturb
In Your Room , Dear Daughter , Someone Like You (Adele cover) , Here’s to Us,I Miss the Misery.
A couple of people decided to leave during Miss The Misery, so my filming temporally wobbles all over the place ! (but stick with it, as the rest of the song is good quality π

Was a great night out ! Whilst walking back to the train station (where the car was parked) there was a bit of drizzle. But I bad to ask the guys to slow down as I couldn’t keep up with them π When we got there, I got my bag out of the boot & chose to stay on the back seat on the way home.The next day, my mum came round, to update me. It was veryΒ sad news….my sister had passed away π
AIRBOURNE, Tyler Bryant and the Shakedown ,Rock City, Nottingham, 14-11-19
SHAKESPEARS SISTER, Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham, 31-10-19

I never got to see Shakespears Sister first time around. So when it was announced, I just HAD TO GO. Yes, tickets were expensive, but had to be done.Β (On the day of the gig, I checked to see how it was selling. Pretty much all of the “good seats” had been sold, but there was one 3 rows back. I did think about getting that, but in the end I thought it would be silly to get it) I was on Row G, in the centre. Quite a good position. (Certainly better or safer than being on 3rd row π )Β I really enjoyed the whole show. There were a few sound problems at the beginning , but they were sorted by the 3rd/4th song. I was just getting into the moment. Didn’t take many photos & only filmed the last song.
The set list was :
Goodbye Cruel World
Dangerous Game
Dirty Mind
My 16th Apology
Heaven Is in Your Arms
The Trouble With Andre
Emotional Thing
C U Next Tuesday
Time To Say Goodbye
All The Queen’s Horses
When She Finds You
Black Sky
Are We in Love Yet
I Don’t Care
You’re History
Hello (Turn Your Radio On)
After the show had finished, I went back to my hotel; the usual “Roomzzz”. For once I was on the ground floor. Won’t be doing that again ! Why ? It sounded like the room above mine, there was someone moving the furniture around. When I finally got to sleep, I was woke up by some people that had obviously been out on the piss. When I checked out, I just had to complain. The guy on reception noted down my grievances (Noise, Towel Rail was hanging off the wall, massive cobweb on the ceiling ) . The day after they contacted me. By way of compensation they offered me 1 hour early check in, free car parking, 1 hour late check out. Obviously, people that know me, know that IΒ can no longer drive (Due to the Keppra I’m taking)Β & I’m always taking trains. So I replied that whilst the offer looked good, it was no use to me, as I’d already booked my trains & hotel (Guess where ? Yup, it’s RoomzzzΒ again lol) In the end they offered me 25% off my next booking. So that will be definitely be used π
ROYAL REPUBLIC, Rock City, Nottingham , 19-10-19

As I was already in Nottingham I went to check the route to “Rough Trade” (Probably the last independent record shop in Nottingham) Reason for that is I’m coming back later in the year & will be seeing The Virginmarys there. The gig room is upstairs, so I go check it out. They’re having some kind of mini market up there, so carry on through it to the gig room. It’s quite small. No raised areas (even though there’s a small block on right hand side in my photo)
After doing that I went to check in at Premier Inn. Had a relax there, then left it to 15mins or so before doors would open. Nice n easy getting in. Was doing the M&G so got in earlier. Whilst chatting with the various of the band I said to Per that I’d got all the CDs & EPs but I was missing the CD of The Nosebreakers. Think it was only available on import. Yes, I can listen on Spotify, but I prefer the hard product, which I thought might be released in the UK at a later date. But that didn’t happen π So Per says to me “I think we could help you out with that. Give me your mailing address & we’ll see what we can do” Amazing ! They’re all so down to earth guys ! When the M&G had finished, we didn’t have to go back outside. I grabbed a chair , took it to my usual position, then a few minutes later the crowd was rushing in. I’d given my original ticket to a friend. As usual, he was late arriving ! Don’t think he saw much of the opening act (didn’t miss anything special haha) but saw him as he entered the main room. He came over & stayed near me. I’m not gonna do a long review about the gig. But here’s a few photos
Β Instead, I’ll let the music do the talking π
After the gig, Mac went to his car to drive back to Bostonia. Whilst I went back to my Hotel. (My god, I was SO fucking tired !!)
GARY NUMAN, Rock City, Nottingham, 18-10-19

Tonight I stayed at “Crown Plaza” hotel. Why ? Because I’d got a voucher to get it much cheaper. I met Neil at train station, then we took a tram to TRC stop. As Neil hadn’t checked into his hotel, he dropped of his bag in my room. We then went to get food. Wethers as always π Neil didn’t have his credit card with him, so I paid for the meal. I think after finishing we went back to my hotel. Neil then took his bag so could check in at his hotel. I stayed in my hotel, just to get a bit of rest. Later, we met up & made our way to Rock City. Tonight Neil was my “helper”, that we he’d get a complimentary ticket. Managed to get in early, so went to my usual position. (Neil joined me there). Something I didn’t realise at the time, another friend was up in the balcony !
The support act didn’t impress me one iota ! Wasn’t much crowd when they played, but it did gradually fill up. When it was time for Gary Numan to take the stage, the place was rammed. I didn’t take many photos tonight as was really getting into the show. The setlist was : My Name Is Ruin , M.E. ,That’s Too Bad, Stories, Metal , Absolution, Dead Sun Rising (Remix) , Down in the Park ,
The Promise ,Cars , Here in the Black , Halo , Me! I Disconnect From You
A Prayer for the Unborn , Are ‘Friends’ Electric?
Encore: Replicas , My Shadow in Vain ,Intruder , Jo the Waiter
Was a really sound gig tonight. Most of the hits & Mr Numan seemed to be enjoying himself (Bonus). After the gig, myself & Neil said our goodbyes & arranged to meet up for breakfast the next day. Oh, forgot to say, when I originally checked-in, one lift wasn’t working. Guess what ? When walking back to the hotel, saw a fire engine out side. Reason why it was there ? The other lift wasn’t working ! Not only that, but a couple had been stuck in it for about an hour !! Eventually I had to go up in the service lift. Next morning there was a letter which had been posted under my room door

No kind of compensation was given ! Next morning met up with Neil & we had breakfast together. All in all, a great day away. Also, I’m staying in Nottingham for tonight to see “Royal Republic”. Staying at a Premier Inn this time !
SKUNK ANANSIE, Rock City, Nottingham, 3-9-19

I consider that Rock City is my “local” venue. Either going by train or car, it’s now my favourite venue. This one my mate Andy drove us there. Parked up at multi-storey, next to train station (But I’d forgot to take Blue Badge-Doh! ) . We caught a tram to the RCH stop. Went to rock city. Once in, saw skunks manager & he gave Andy a pass. Then went to The Gooseberry bush but it was closed. We met Jim there, but as it was closed, Jim walked to the Roebuck whilst me & Andy took a tram there. Pretty much arrived about same time. (Nomis & his wife were staying at the Premier Inn. Think I might have forgot to tell him the Gooseberry Bush was closed. Eventually, they also came to the Roebuk). After food, we went back to Rock City & got in via the back doors. Bumped into Cass & I said “I’ve been to this venue a lot of times, but never been backstage”. Cass then took us back stage. I was really surprised about how SMALL it was ! We passed catering (damn it smelt good!) then round a corner, ended up side stage. (Jim didn’t see that as was gassing with Erika π ). We ended up staying in the venue as it was getting closer for doors to open. I got a seat. Went to my usual position πΒ Again, the support act didn’t do much that I licked, but they appreciated being invited to support the mighty Skunk Anansie. It’s soon time for what we all came for : SKUNK ANANSIE, once again, headlining Rock City ! I wont write much about the show, but I’d say it’s right up there with the other best gigs that Skunk Anansie. There’s just something about when they play there, it seems a notch above other gigs.
Here are some video clips I recorded at Rock City :

After the gig finished, there was an after show. It was in the room that used to called “The Rig”. I’ve got a story about going to the Rig….& getting my money back ! A few of us went in what’s now called “The Black Cherry Lounge” (Or whatever the shitty place is called now) Most of the band turned up, photos were took, drinks were drunk.
Then we all said our goodbyes. Myself & Andy went back to the train station, where his car was parked. Then a nice drive home π
P.S. During the tour I was enjoying it so much (& feeling well) I decided to add Newcastle at last minute π