3 days of rock in Germany. Some brilliant acts & some no so brilliant haha. We went on a bus trip with accommodation also provided a few miles away from festival. This was my first festival abroad since going to Germany in 1984. Things have changed some what 😉 We queued for something silly like 12hours to get front row for Garbage. They played in a massive (15,000 capacity??) tent. It got so hot in there that there was moisture coming down the tent. Eeeewww! We had some trouble with a girl trying to push her way into front row….until she tried it with Mel & got a good kicking & words to the effect of “Fuck off you German Bitch” lol. Nowadays, the festival is so big that the “Alterna Tent” moved from a tent to a proper (big) open air stage. We were lucky to go to the festival before it got too big. I think Mel also did a bungee jump at this show. Oh yeah, we knew Rurik from the UK dates & i said to the others ,”I bet you i can find him”. Sure enough, i saw him walk by & we met up !