I was a bit later than usual leaving Boston & when i arrived, the first band ” Ruby & the Knights” were already on. The vocalist seemed to like a theatrical sort of performance, judging by her mask & spending so much time on the main floor on her knees 😉 They went down well with the crowd. I thought they were ok as an opener. Next up was ” Cortus “. Again, totally new to my ears. They had a decent sound & were pretty heavy. For myself, the real two standouts here were, 1. the drummer : she’s solid & fun with it 2. the guitarist. Damn could he shred. He’s a young chap, but is already playing fantastic. I’m sure he has a good future ahead of him, if he wants it (wether it’s in this band or not though, could be debatable as i see he’s recently moved away to Leeds).  So, ” The Raven Age ” : They’ve managed to get a few decent support slots recently & you can tell everything is flowing very well on the live set. There’s some nice harmony guitars in there at times ( I’m a sucker for twin harmonies) & also some heads down full on rockin out. But strangely, it all left me a bit cold. Cannot put my finger on it, but, it just didn’t really connect with me. Finally it’s Skarlett Riot. They’re always such fun. I’ve never seen a bad show by them. Everyone gives 100%. We got a couple of new songs plus all the usual “classics”. Tonight’s event was well worth the trip. Good value at £8 ( + about £15 petrol to drive there n back). They had a decent turn out for a Sunday night & was told there were about 40 advance & another 40 or so paying on the door. Nice one ! Because it was new too me & i really enjoyed them & can see the potential, the band of the night for me were Cortus 🙂