The thing with addiction is that it’s always there. You may think you’ve got it beat, but, that itch is still there needing to be scratched. It’s just the same as regards going to gigs 🙂 There’s always the next high that you’re seeking….well, i needed a fix.This weekend it was great weather & i just didn’t fancy staying in. What to do? Find a gig ! I had in fact penciled this one in in my diary (I often do that when planning ahead for gigs) I wondered if it would be sold out as the Borderline is tiny. Result, tix still available! That’s what i’m doing then 🙂 I got down London in decent time, visited “my local” the Montague Pyke for food & watering, then went round to venue. Jim joined me later.All went to plan as i was the first paying person to get in & got exactly the spot at the side i wanted.Pretty good value for 4 bands i thought. First band “Dick Venom & the Terrortones” were great. They just kicked ass. The bassist just stood there, shades on, pretty much showing no emotion, but being solid & just looking cool. The guitarist i couldn’t help thinking “I bet he’s hot in that coat”, drummer just seemed bang on & the singer was just a Dick ! (in a good way). He’s a great front man, using all the tiny stage, the PA stack at the side & also the little ledge near the bar. Very energetic. I also loved the use of the Theramin. It worked very well. Next up was “Dick Dynamite and the Doppelgangers”. Hmm, too many Dicks already ? These just didn’t work for me. Couldn’t get into it. They seemed to make quite a few (playing) mistakes as well. So after a great start, they brought things down for me 🙁 Next “The Zipheads”. They seemed to have brought their own crowd with them. Went down a storm & brought the mood right back up 🙂
Creepshow : They just ambled on stage, Kenda took a quick video of the crowd, then Sean/Sickboy kicked things off. Straight away, i could see this was gonna be fun. They were having as much fun onstage as us punters off stage. Whilst it was obviously a partisan crowd, Sickboy did make us work with the shouts n claps. I noticed that a couple of songs in, Kenda said to him (off mic) ” I love them!” after a particularly good sing along. McGinty (keyboards/vocals) is a hella funny bloke ! I was cracking up at stuff he said. I loved how Kenda also took her mic stand into the middle of the crowd, i guess so she could see it from that perspective lol. She’s such a tiny thing & everyone showed her a lot of respect within that melee.The evening just flew by. The funniest thing was when they came back for an encore. McGinty said ” I understand there’s someone here named Nicole ? ” Silence. “We’re going to play a song for you & you’ve already left?!” More silence. The band then seemed unsure if they should play said song or do another. They did what was planned. Then about three quarters way through, a couple of girls came down the stairs into the venue . Yup, it was Nicole & her mate. Hilarious as they’d left as they thought the band had finished. I thought McGinty let her off lightly 😉 So all in all, a great nights entertainment for me. For sure i’ll go see The Creepshow again in future !
I was the second person in the queue, Simon was already there. I totally agree with Simon’s take on the bands. Dick Venom & the Terrortones are only the second group I can remember to use a Theremin at a gig! The second band ,Dick Dynamite and the Doppelgangers, were poor. The Zipheads were a good support band. The Creepshow, with Kendra Legaspi who joined them in 2012 and is their 3rd lead singer, put on a great show. I hope to catch them again.