Over the years, for one reason or another, there were gigs i had tickets for & yet didn’t make it there. Maybe the band cancelled or i just couldn’t make it to the gig. The band that’s “top of my list” for cancellations, is Guano Apes lol
18-12-00 Brighton
24-4-03 Tilburg
25-4-03 Amsterdam
15-5-03 Edinburgh
17-5-03 Nottingham
18-5-03 London
20-5-03 Amsterdam (rescheduled date, but cancelled again!)
21-5-03 Tilburg (rescheduled date, but cancelled again!)
21-10-11 Munich
23-10-11 Rome
24-10-11 Milan
26-10-11 Barcelona
27-10-11 Madrid
29-10-11 Lisbon
30-10-11 Porto

2016 was a life changer for me 🙁 Being diagnosed with having brain tumors was such a shock. Needless to say, a bunch of gigs i had to skip

I went to see Virginmarys, openers for Feeder, but had to leave after their set as couldn’t get a later train (& couldn’t afford a hotel at such short notice) Lets hope 2017 goes a lot better !
2017 Gigs missed or cancelled :

2018 – missed due to timing of chemo etc

Berlin tour was cancelled. Had a few more tix, but had to send them back for refund. Will they EVER play the UK again ????!!!!????

Im pretty sure that I used to trade VHS and DVD with you decades ago. I gave up trading ten years ago and am only now, getting around to cataloguing the hundreds of DVDs I received around the time I gave up, they were all bundled into boxes and forgotten about for a decade, this includes DVDs you sent to me.
Good to hear from you John. I’m subscribed to your YT page still so occasionally see the Airsoft videos you post. I gave up trading yonks back as well. Nowadays i’ll only get DVDs of shows i’ve been to. Of course, i film a couple of clips at gigs i go to & they usually get posted on this website. Hope you’re well, Simon
Simon – great list of gigs – many of which I will have been to as well. I am currently helping Solid Entertainments in Grimsby to update their archive pages especially for the shows that they no longer have tickets for. As such I hope you dont mind if I copy a few of your images (especially from Boston) of your tickets so that we can use them on the archive.
My favourite gig on your list was Twisted Sister/Lita Ford at UEA – what a show and in Norwich!