I was surprised about a couple of things at this show. Firstly, i was the first person at the door! But, it is a drinking crowd,so could be expected. Secondly, it was very surprising that they hadn’t sold enough tickets to have the balcony open. So, good thing i got there early to be able to take prime position under the stairs (A great place to see/film from 😉 ) Hey! Hello! started proceedings & went down very well. I love the energy & fun of this band. Tonight we also had the bonus of Chris from Eureka Machines standing in on guitar. Hollis is a brilliant star in the making. So full of energy & covering all the stage. Obviously, having Ginger up on stage gives them an advantage,but, they really were damn good. Was great to see everyone enjoying themselves up there. I’m really looking forward to their second album & of course their headline tour in December.
Baby Chaos had a hard job following Hey! Hello! They were good,but, i felt were a bit repetitive. The Wildhearts just delivered,as always. Now it might be sacrilege to say it, but, i’ve never been much of a fan of PHUQ album…the one they were playing in full tonight! But seeing as i never saw it the first time around, i felt i had to go. Obviously, we get a nice few other oldies after the main album set & it was just killer. I really wish i could have gone to another gig as they are changing it up each night. Respect to them for doing that. They actually ran over the 10pm curfew tonight (those pesky club nights). I was in my car by 10.10 & on the way home!